Friday, November 11, 2011

Can u take shots of bacardi grand melon and get just as drunk as regular 80 proof?

i was woundering if you can take shots of grand melon which is 35%achl and get drunk just as much as a 40%achl bottle? and does 5% make a big diffrence? Also one more is bacardi melon a good liquor for shots?|||yes, it is essentially the same. my drink of choice is 70proof (captain morgan), while a lot of other people i know drink 80proof things like jim beam. It doesnt make much of a difference; there would be a difference, however, between 70proof and 100proof southern comfort, 80proof jim beam bourbon and 101proof wild turkey or 115proof bourbon. And of course there is the 151proof bacardi 151, and everclear is 190 proof. but 10proof makes little to no difference.

And bacardi melon to me is delicious. Ive only had it once, and i was already pretty drunk when i started drinking it, but it tasted like candy to me: i filled up a lowball and was drinking it straight, drank two cups of it. it was a rough (black out)_night for sure.|||I don't know if I've had Bacardi Melon, but I've had Razz and O and yeah they are fine for shots.

In my opinion, the 5% probably won't make a noticeable difference unless you are going to be really drinking a lot. Most people pour pretty innexact (sp?) drinks/ shots anyway.|||Barcardi is a pretty hard shooter. Yes 5% makes a difference,but it depends on how much your shooting of course.

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