Saturday, November 19, 2011

Is it bad to drink expried Bacardi Silver?

I recently bought bacardi silvers and drank a few. I recently noticed the box said 11Sep07 BF so im guessin that it expried september 11 2007. it still tasted fine. I was wonderin since its about 6months old is it bad to drink it?|||that might be the date it was produced... im not a bacardi silver drinker, but i know alot of beer 'stamps' the date its made on the labels.|||It is definitely safe to drink, it just may taste a little odd.|||It's fine.

Wine comes from letting grapes sit and ferment, so what's wrong with letting it sit longer??

Absolutely nothing.

Plus, I know plenty of people that keep alcohol from their weddings or other special occasions that are years and years old!|||It may taste a little off. Bacardi Silver is a malt beverage (not a wine based product or for that matter rum based). So in storage it will act like a beer and may taste a little off. It will definitely not get better with age.

But that being said, it won't hurt you. It just may not taste as fresh as it should.

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