Tuesday, November 15, 2011

How much bacardi gold does it take for you to get tipsy?

i'm never really sure how much i drink but it seems to take me longer to feel something when i drink bacardi rather than vodka or gin. how much does it take you?|||I've found that it depends on how much food is in the stomach, and your body type. If I have bacardi or vodka, I try to make sure I'm eating in tandem, so that my evening doesn't end too early.

If you're worried about gettting too tipsy or a hang-over, grab a bottle of water in-between drinks, it will help a lot!

Cheers!!|||last time i went to drink i had half bottle of jim bean and jack danniles then took a yeger bomb(i dont know hot to spell yeger right) and after that i was completly sh*t faced. if you take at least five shot one right after aonther and then take a yeger bomb you will most likely feel tipsy|||rum, vodka and gin all have about the same proof or alcohol content. If one takes you 4 ounces to get a buzz on, then, they all do. One sip of any alcohol actually goes right into your bloodstream so the answer for you and everybody else is one sip. When you say it takes you longer....what do you mean? Are you just drinking to see how wasted you can get? Longer for what?|||well i usually take my shots really quick..like ill take 4 in about 5 minutes and ill feel tipsy from that|||I do not drink that. but i would think a least two shots.|||one drink with 4oz of any 80proof liq. or 4 drinks with the standard 1-1/2oz bar pour.

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